4 Easy Steps to be a sustainable person

So far, I have argued about the plastic issue and the importance of the sustainable life.
However, most important thing is making actions toward these problems.

How can we take these ideas into practice?

Today, I want to share some easy tips that you can start immediately!!

1 Set up recycle system in your kitchen

So that all of your family can easily be sustainable person, it is fairly important to create comfortable and easy system of recycling in your own kitchen. You can simply separate the bins depends on your local council’s policy of recycle. I guess it is the most easy and low-cost action you can start from now!

2 Change the way of STORAGE

Are you using plastic wrap or plastic container? How about changing it to 
sustainable alternatives? There are so many eco-friendly and epochal ways of keeping your food fresh without using any plastic!
In Australia, the eco-wrap using Beeswax is getting popular. You can use it as a substitute of wraps or rids to keep your fruits, vegetable, breads and snacks. Yes, almost everything!
It also helps to keep their freshness longer than the plastic bags.
Recently, you can find these wraps from a lot of brand and design, but today I introduce the video from Eco Food Wrap. 

If you interested in these eco-wraps, the website of eco food wrap is here

In addition, the container you may use as lunch box can be improved!
If you change the container to reusable one, it is not only good for environment, but also good for saving your money.
You can find these items from the website too!

3 Bring your own bag

Since July 1st, 2018, Australian the 2 biggest supermarket Coles and Woolworth have been banned plastic bags in all stores. People need to prepare their own bags or buy reusable bag with 15 ¢. Thanks to the program, people started having their own bags naturally.
 Even in other retail shops, or clothing shops, it is time to say NO for the plastic bags.
There are a lot of bags available in a vary range of design and colors. It will be fun to choose your special bags.

These  are article about the banning of plastic shopping bags in Coles and Woolworth

4 Ban the plastic bottles

Drinking from plastic is not good even for your health. As I mentioned the last two posts, plastic pose really crucial affect to our environment and marine creatures.

Every time you go out, bring your water bottle with you and it also means saving money to buy bottled water.

 Also, the waste of coffee cup is serious in Australia. Surprisingly, in the country, people throw out 113 coffee cups every 4 seconds and, in each year,1 billion coffee cups end up in landfill. 
Coffee cups may look like paper, but in fact, inside of the cup is made of plastic to make the cup stronger and more durable. You may have seen bins which was overwhelmed with massive amount of coffee cup. 
If you bring your own coffee cup to cafes, they may give you some discounts and you can enjoy your everyday coffee with cheaper price.
In the same way as bags, there are plenty of choice of design and colour and brand, also sometimes you can print your name or logo on your cup!

As you can see, we can start very small steps to be a sustainable person! It sounds difficult, but actually it doesn’t!  
The most important thing is to enjoy the sustainable life. It is shame if you feel stressed to practice these actions on daily bases. The best thing is you become liking the way of life and continue the life permanently.  
 Now, among not only  consumer, but also the company, the “sustainability” is one of the biggest keys to purchase and sell the products.
I feel that the importance will be getting bigger and bigger. It’s time to think and act for our planet and our future environment.

I hope you can get any ideas from the 4 list and take it as your new way of lifestyle!

